Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving~Happy Day

A friend share today in her daily email devotions what she was thankful for and then asked what we were thankful for. This is what I said.........

Sometimes I feel like it may seem that I am a bit cliche' but really, I am so thankful for a Savior that has redeemed mankind and draws us unto Himself. What else matters. I am thankful that our God who knew us before creation, who knew that we would turn our backs on Him, still loved us enough to create us, knowing full well He would have to redeem us by His own shed blood. It blows my mind.

I am thankful that he allows us to worship Him, serve Him, love others and share His story. I am thankful for my family, my friends, opportunities to love and be the hands of Christ to others. I am thankful that God forgives me in the name of Jesus because as much as I am thankful for all this, I fail at it so miserably. Yet, He still loves me.

He still loves us. Wow, I am thankful! So I give thanks with a grateful heart to the Holy One, because He HAS given Jesus Christ, His Son. I am strong and I am rich because of what the LORD has done. I give thanks!!

Maybe not my most eloquent note, but simply stated, I am thankful to God for it all.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Day that points us one day closer to celebrating the birth of our Savior which points us one day closer to celebrating His resurrection. I'm thankful that we walk each day in the celebration of that day. Death has been defeated. Thank you Jesus!

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