Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Missionary

Sukhui with my daughter, Miriam

Today I had a date with my daughter. OK, actually she had a dental appointment, but we decided to go out for breakfast before and celebrate her birthday (again) as I will be out of town on her actual birthday. This would be month two of celebrating her birthday which isn't until mid May. Any excuse to celebrate!!

As we sat down we were greeted by a very kind and extremely happy waitress who introduced herself and said "I am going to serve you." I felt a stirring in my heart and felt that I should share Jesus with her. I didn't know if she was a believer, but with that kind of joy, I wanted her to know true joy and where it comes from.

I heard her talking to the couple in the booth next to us about the usual Phoenix conversation regarding the weather. She was telling the couple, who were originally from Indiana, how she missed snow at Christmas time when she loves to celebrate Jesus! My heart leaped, she was a sister in the Lord!

Right after that she must have witnessed my daughter and I praying together as we sat at the table, because she then came up to me and said "I am a Christian too." From there (actually before there) she continued to pour out a testimony of love for her Saviour. She testified to the source of all true joy and how there is no one else for her except Jesus.

Her name is Sukhui and she moved to the United States in 1985 when she was 26 years old. At that time she was a new believer and on fire for the Lord (she still is and even more). She came into this country not knowing a thing about American food and even though people doubted her, she testified to all the doors that the Lord opened. And let me tell you, she knows her American food. She knows more about eggs and bacon than anyone I know. She knows how to serve. She knows how to love.

She could not stop talking about Jesus. She began to sing a song about the wonderful name of Jesus, then she sang it to me in Korean. I told my daughter that she was an example of what it means to be UNASHAMED for Jesus. It is simply a matter of opening your mouth and allowing to come out all that you put in your heart. Jesus is what she fed on and Jesus being poured out on her lips is the only natural thing for her.

When she clears her plates she says a "Hallelujah!" When she hand the plates to the cooking staff she says a "Hallelujah!" and they in turn now reply with an "Amen!" That's contagious. Sukhui has been working as a waitress in this particular restaurant for 8 years and 6 years in this particular section. She told me that she is a Korean missionary in America and prays over the room and all that come to dine there. She has even lead a few to the Lord along the way. She has seen people come and go. She lost eight regulars (hopefully dancing now in heaven) in 2008, but she presses on with a missionary heart.

So my joy this day, besides being able to meet her, is the joy and honor of praying for her over a pain that she has in her side. She may have to go in for surgery, but is asking God for a miracle first. So won't you join me in praying to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ for a healing miracle for my new friend, Sukhui. Won't you join me in praying for each person that steps in that restaurant and has a chance to encounter Jesus!

May we all view the place where God has planted us as holy ground. May we see our places of work, our homes and our neighborhoods as a mission field. May we walk boldly, humbly, and unashamedly for our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.

Father, I thank you this day for your miracles. I thank you for being God of all. I thank you for being Jehovah-Rapha, who heals! I asked you to be that God for Sukhui, this day. I ask you to be our Rapha-healer for each of us everyday. Amen!

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