Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How do YOU measure a year?

My favorite thing about the New Year is looking back. Looking back on all the 525,600 minutes, all those those moments that have happened, all that God has done and all that He has brought me through and all that He has accomplished. It's the beauty of hindsight. New Years's Eve gives me that chance each year.

This past year has been a journey through the Word of God. Reading through the Bible in a year, Digging deep into the character and faithfulness of God has been nothing short of life changing. I didn't want it to end, but then my husband said, "You know, you can read it again." I know, I know, he is a genius! That's why I married him on this day 21 years ago Dec. 31, 1993.

Dec. 31, 1993
Well, in the last month of my daily readings, through prayer and meditation on His word, I knew God had something new in store for me. I prayed each day with anticipation of what it was. And true to His character, He revealed it to me.

To me, there is something overwhelming about God and His revelations to us......... and that is our response. Now that it has been revealed, will I be obedient to what God has been equipping me to do over and throughout this past year?

The answer is simple. Yes.

Sometimes God asks us to do things are comfortable and right in our zone. Then there are those times when we are pushed way out of our comfort zone and into a place of complete and undeniable dependence on God to see us through and for courage to even dare to step out.

That is the place I am in. It's scary for me, but I know that for me not to move forward in His plan would mean complete disobedience on my part and that's just NOT where I want to be. The funny thing is, my place of discomfort may be your place of leisure and what seems like a simple instruction to me, may be the hardest step of faith you will ever take.

Whatever our marching orders, whatever our call, the beauty and intimacy we share in saying yes to God surpasses the heartache of running from His will, even when the run away may seem easier, especially when we can run and so easily forget what He asked us to do in the first place. God does not forget His plan for us. God is faithful.

So here I go, ready to jump into 2015 following His call and looking forward to the next 525,600 minutes, those moments that will lead me to, Dec. 31, 2015 (Lord willing) when I get to look back again.

"In daylights, in sunsets
In midnights, in cups of coffee 
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife 
In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes 
How do you measure, a year in the life?" RENT~Jonathan D. Larson

So the answer for me in How do I measure a year in the Life? It really would be in Love, the true love and the glory of God weaved in and throughout each day, the love of a Father who sent His son so that we could have eternal life with Him. May these seconds, these moments all point to Him,....all of it, even the sweet moments sippin' on a cup of coffee. May it all bring Him glory!

Happy New Year Friends! 
May you hear His call, see His plan and follow with all your heart.
Christ was born for this!

And remember WE Are NOT Alone!

"You Are Not Alone" by Mia Koehne

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Remembering My Dad

Paul G Grotelueschen ~ December 8, 1927- December 20, 2011
Three years ago, I jumped on a plane, landed in Denver, waited by a bus stop in the middle of a major blizzard (dressed like I was from Phoenix) to get to Colorado Spring just in time to hold my Daddy's hand as he was ushered into the presence of Jesus Christ.

I miss him so.

I remember him in those last days asking to be brought to the front of the church, because he wanted to sit up front. Well, I am sure my Dad is sitting front and center, kneeling at the foot of His Savior, Jesus Christ, worshiping the Father in complete Spirit and truth. 

He taught me so much.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What Do You Want....What Do You Need?

I heard this the other day. "When you're happy, you listen to the music. When you're sad, you understand the lyrics."

Whether you are happy or sad, I want you to hear and understand the lyrics.

I am in the beginning phases of writing for my new album.

What do you need to hear, what do you need to know, what do you need to learn?

I have some things that I want to say, but I am also interested in what you need to know.

Feel free to comment! Also if you can let me know your age range (you don't have to be specific) and gender, that would actually be helpful. Thanks!!


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Honesty and the Million Dollar App

Because my husband and I are so smart, when a situation arose today where I had to make an airport run, but forgot my drivers licence, we came up with the brilliant idea that when my husband got home he would send a photo of my ID to my phone. That way, if I got pulled over I would simply show the police officer a picture version of my I.D. and explain to him that there really should be an app for situations like this. Made sense to me!

Good news, I now have a photo version of my license on my phone in case of emergencies and a brilliant app idea for the DMV.

The thing is this, as I was driving and waiting for my photo to come through, I began thinking about my husband going through my purse to find my wallet (ok, actually it's a fanniepack~because I predict they will be big in 2015.) I flashed back to a time in my life when the thought of leaving my purse unattended would bring fear into my mind....fear that my husband would find things that I was hiding....cigarettes, receipts, phone numbers.... fear he would find all the junk I worked so hard to hide from him.

Back in the day, I would use the guise of "You NEVER go into a women's purse" to keep him from looking when the fact was, I just didn't want him to stumble upon the truth of my life. Well, if anyone knows the story, eventually, by the grace of God, he did!! THANK YOU JESUS!! Here's a link if you want a listen to our story CLICK HERE

Fast forward to today. I LOVE that I have NOTHING to hide from my husband. I love that he can go into my purse, my wallet, my closets...anything of mine and I do not have to fear that he will uncover my lies.

There is a beauty that comes from truth and openness in a marriage. Honestly, my husband has no desire to go through my stuff ever, BUT the fact is that even if he did, it wouldn't matter because sharing my life with him, being open and honest is so much more freeing than the work and heartache it took to lie, steal and deceive.

I was a person in the past that worked very hard at my craft of being a liar and deceiver. It took a while to undo those habits and learn to tell the truth. Jesus made it possible for me by breaking down a lot of walls and habits in my life and extending grace and forgiveness to me.

I love being open with my husband, sharing life, victories and my failures with him, knowing that as I speak truth in love he will always love me. How much more with my Lord and Savior.

I know a lot of people that can probably relate to the difficulty in opening up completely to a spouse or to anyone, but there is beauty in this vulnerability in that we learn and experience grace. And through this, learning new habits that lead to an abundant life.

I am glad that we have a Lord that will bring our darkness to light. It's just a matter of time. But why waste one more day living in disguise when today could be your day to take a step into a more abundant joyful freeing life. #SpeakTruth

"You have set our iniquities before you,
our secret sins in the light of your presence." Psalm 90:8

One of my favorite places to make that first step is through a program that I walked through and still attend today, Celebrate Recovery. If this is something that might help you with ANY hurt, habit or hangup, check it out and find a location near you. Blessings!

Love you all!

Bob & Mia Koehne ~ Married December 31st, 1993

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas CD/Greeting Card

Happy Advent as you prepare Him room this Christmas.
It's here. My first Christmas CD "Behold Your King!" I am so excited to share this project with you. The fun thing about this CD is that it is more than just a CD, it's a gift that you can share...easily and practically.

It comes inside of a specially designed Christmas Card along with an envelope so that you can send it to your family and friends. Not your typical Card/not your typical CD. But more than that, it has songs that celebrate the birth of our Savior, Emmanuel,
God with us.

The CD has 6 songs, many of which you will recognize and some that you may not.
1. Hark The Herald Angels Sing
2. This Christmas (God's Baby) ~ An original song by my dear friend, Lori Anderson
3. Infant Holy Infant Lowly (Click the link to take a listen)
4. What Child Is This (Click the link to take a listen)
5. Come and Adore ~ My new arrangement of an old song
6. O Holy Night

My hope is that you have a wonderful celebration of the birth of Christ.
Know that you are not alone, Christ came for you in the joy and the pain of the season. I pray that this music would bring hope to your celebration and be a reminder that we have a God that sent His son to walk this earth SO THAT we can have eternal life with the Father. Merry Christmas! Christ was born for YOU!

So pause, be still and BEHOLD...YOUR KING!

TO ORDER YOUR CD/Christmas Card visit the Mia Koehne Music Store

Soli Deo Gloria
In Him, Mia Koehne

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Forgive ME Lord!

So........ I am doing a little prep work guessed it, MY NEXT ALBUM! While I was researching, surfing, turning many pages, I came across this hymn. I don't think I have ever sung it, BUT I would not be surprised if I had and merely sang right over the words and paid no attention. Lord, Forgive me! Well, it pierced my heart. So I thought I would share the lyrics with you this day.

Forgive us, Lord, for Shallow Thankfulness 
By, William Watkins Reid, Sr.

Forgive us, Lord, for shallow thankfulness,
For dull content with warmth and sheltered care,
For songs of praise for food and harvest press,
While of Your richer gifts we're unaware.

Teach us to thank You, Lord, for love and grace,
For life and vision, for a purpose clear,
For Christ Your Son, and for each human face
That shows Your message ever new and near.

Forgive us, Lord, for selfish thanks and praise,
For words that speak at variance with deeds;
Forgive our thanks for walking pleasant ways
Unmindful of a broken brother's needs.

Teach us, O Lord, true thankfulness divine,
That gives as Christ gave, never counting cost,
That knows no barrier of "yours" and "mine,"
Assured that only what's withheld is lost.

Forgive us, Lord, for feast that knows not fast,
For joy in things that meanwhile starve the soul,
For walls and wars that hide Your mercies vast
And blur our vision of the Kingdom goal.

Open our eyes to see Your love's intent,
To know with minds and hearts its depth and height;
May thankfulness be days in service spent,
Reflection of Christ's life and love and light.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why God? Seriously, Why?

My husband writes a weekly Blog post for his school. I love reading them and sometimes sharing them, but today, his message had me in tears. Maybe because it stirred up so much of the loss that I have felt in my life, maybe because I'm coming off a day of a lot of Why's maybe because it's just what the Lord wanted me to hear. 
So maybe God wants to share this with you to. Be blessed.
Guest blogger, my husband and best friend, Bob Koehne - Executive Principal at Valley Lutheran High School, Phoenix, AZ
Why God? Seriously, why? I sometimes don’t understand. This past week I heard about the death of a young Lutheran school teacher. He left behind a wife and four young children and it just made me think, Why God? As I thought about it I reflected back on other times in my life I have asked this question. A former student of mine was a soldier and was serving in Afghanistan when he was killed by a bomb. A former basketball player I coached was shot and killed by a gang member. A boy I coached in basketball camps, and who was a friend of my son Aaron, went on a mission trip just before his junior year of high school. While on the trip he was on a boat on Lake Superior when a storm came up and he was thrown overboard and drowned.
Why God?

Then this past Sunday was All Saints Day. A day where we get a chance to reflect back on all the saints who have gone on to heaven before us. As I walked into church I had this question of “Why God” on my mind. When I left I had the same question but for a different reason.
Why God? Why do you love us so much that you were willing to sacrifice your Son so we can be with you? Why God, when I am so unworthy to be called your child, do you call me just that, a redeemed Child of God? Why God, when I ask “why” are you so patient with me and love me just the same? You are our Father and we don’t always understand your ways, just as on earth children often don’t understand the ways of their parents. Unlike on earth, however, you are a perfect Father.

Maybe I am the only one who thinks this way. But if you are like me and at times say, “Why God,” I encourage you to pray and remember he answers the question. He answers the question with a simple “I am God, I love you, and no matter the circumstances I always will.” ~ Bob Koehne

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

One of Those Days...

Today is one of those days where I just want to throw in the towel and just cry. Spending the last few days on Customer Service lines, then running into the physical store, just to run back home to get back on the phone so that I can run back to the store to straighten out a bill. A bill which customer service and the store can't even seem to agree on.....You know those days...

All I know is I am being way over charged. Yet, in all of it, all I can seem to do is take a deep breath, ask God to allow me to be patient, courteous, wise, gentle of heart and loving. Breath in His grace and then breath out His grace moment after moment when inside, all I really want to do is scream.

When my husband called a little bit ago to ask me how my day was going and I began to vent, I suddenly stopped and thought, it's no big deal. It was at that moment when perspective hit me. In the big picture this is such a minor thing. Really, if this is this biggest trouble of my day....not so bad, huh?

But in all things, God gives me an opportunity to show grace, patience and kindness even when things have me on my last nerve.

Maybe today is a big deal......a big deal when I have an opportunity to show love to others even when I don't get my own way (says the youngest of seven kids.)


Thursday, October 23, 2014

I'll show you!!

I remember my first visit to Haiti in 2009. I was with a dedicated group of missionaries who already loved the country and it's people. Little did I know at the time that I would leave pieces of my heart there which would call me back and call me to prayer for all those that I met.

On our way to church that first week, I was informed that it was customary to give an offering. Well, the offering was someone sharing a word or song and I was "volunteered" to be the offering. I was nervous, I was scared. I didn't know why. Maybe the feeling of being completely overwhelmed by all I had seen over the past few days, being in a culture that was so different from mine, singing in what was to the people of Haiti, a foreign language to a people I did not know.....the fact was I was just plain terrified.

The trip to the church found me praying relentlessly for God to take my fear away. Out of nowhere, I spotted a truck and painted on it was this... JER 1:17. I knew that it was for me. So, when I arrived at the church I read the passage and this is what God had for me.

“Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them." Jeremiah 1:17

Being a quite rebellious person by nature, God knows what I need to hear and how I need to hear it. I needed to be told..."DON'T BE SCARED OR I'LL SHOW YOU SCARED!"

I got the picture and God did what He always does through obedience. He used me for His glory.

Maybe you grew up in a family or with a parent (or maybe it's you) that used this line. "Don't cry or I'll give you a reason to cry!" Not saying it's the best line, but maybe, just maybe it's a bit biblical? The great thing is that God says it with perfect love SO THAT we will do the good thing that He commands us to do. He goes on to say that as we stand and speak without fear that He has made us strong, that the enemy will fight us, but NOT overcome us BECAUSE God will rescue us. 

Now that is comfort to me. Comfort and encouragement to not be afraid (or else) knowing that God has my back. If He is for me who is against, tell me, WHO?....... NO ONE & NOTHING!!

So, my friends, today, I say to you (and me)......

“Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them. 18 Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. 19 They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 1:17-9

Thursday, September 4, 2014

There's Poop in my pants & I like it ... sometimes

There's Poop in my pants... and I like it... sometimes.
How ridiculous is that? Very! But sadly, in my life, sometimes it's true.

Today, as I was in Bible study with a small group of women, a question, in regards to child-like faith, was asked.

"As we become older, we become more self-sufficient. In what ways can you become more "infant-like or more dependent on God?"- Priscilla Schirer

As I thought about my dependence and my desire to be less self-sufficient and more God-dependent, I envisioned God chiseling me away, molding me, changing me into something that looks less like me and more like Him. But, being chiseled hurts. Being molded and changed is hard, especially for people like me with control issues (I'm working on that.)

My reality is that sometimes, like a toddler, I want to stay the way I am, I don't want to go through the effort and the struggle to be less like me.

Picture the difference between a newborn and a toddler. When a newborn has a poopy diaper they lay there and allow you to change them, to take the mess away and make them new and forward a couple years and that same child that has a poopy diaper is now busy playing blocks and would rather not be bothered with a diaper change. The stench doesn't bother that toddler and they are totally fine sitting in their own mess.

That's how I feel at times and when I look at it like that it seems pretty ridiculous. Here's the thing, If I stay in the messy condition I am in, unwilling to be changed, not only do I develop a rash (which could be a lack of joy, peace, hard heart....) I actually start to stink up the room. My stubbornness not only affects me, but those around me and they think I smell (figuratively...well maybe sometimes literally.) The odor of stubbornness, lack of forgiveness and pity is enough to literally make one smell really funky!!

I don't know about you, but I don't want to walk around with stank in my pants. My prayer is that I would be like a baby, desiring to be changed, desiring to be made new.

"Lord, help me, mold me, change me and help me to be willing to let you. Amen!"

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

We're Not Gonna Take it!!!

deceive or defeat by greater ingenuity.

I love definitions because they break down meanings for me and help me understand more clearly. As I was reading the Word today, I came to this passage in 2 Corinthians 2:10-11

"Anyone whom you forgive, I also forgive. Indeed, what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of Christ, so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs."

Outwit-to deceive or defeat by greater ingenuity.

How are we deceived? When we don't forgive! It's that simple, it's that ingenious, it's just that clever of Satan and his ignorant designs to defeat us simply by our inability to FORGIVE.

We hear of the importance of forgiveness all the time. Many of us have the same reasons why we don't...."It will take time....I'm just not ready...Some things just can't be forgiven..." Well, here is the reality, as we sit in unforgiveness...taking our time to release others of their wrongs to us, Satan sits their standing over us in our defeat, deceiving us into thinking it's OK to take our time, whispering things like "you have been so hurt, not many would be able to forgive such a wrong" or he might even say..."when your ready, no hurry, there is always tomorrow."

In that, we have have been deceived. We have been outwitted. Make no mistake UN-FORGIVENESS is serious.

Just imagine if we prayed to the Lord "Forgive us our trespasses (the ones that aren't to big) in time and when you are ready if it's not too hard for you, maybe tomorrow or whenever is fine, just as we sometimes forgive others, but sometimes not because we have been wronged too deeply, and lead us not into temptation......"

THAT, my friends is the way the deceiver would like us to pray, BUT just as Paul said to the Corinthians as they were struggling "I also forgive.....SO THAT we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs."

Notice that the single act of one person forgiving does not just affect one person, but the body. Paul forgave so that "WE" would not be outwitted. Let's battle the sin of our own individual unforgiveness because it affects the is like a cancer. When we forgive, the body of Christ begins to heal and stand.

Friends, Do not be ignorant of the schemes of satan. Release those who have done you wrong, forgive as God has forgiven you..TODAY.

Unforgivness is serious, it is that place where satan takes us out at the knees and leaves us immobile. It is one of His most ingenious designs. 

Stand, friends! Stand against the schemes of satan and if you are holding onto Un-forgiveness, stand in the strength of our Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him to give you the strength to forgive SO THAT you, so that WE will not remain outwitted, but that you will outwit the devil and stand on the Rock, the one who has forgiven you so much SO THAT you can forgive others.

I love you in the Lord, brothers and sisters. Stand, my friends, STAND!
United we stand, divided and Outwitted we fall! The victory has been won, lets stand in it!

So along with the Comedian Kerri Pomarolli whose family sings the song "We're Not Gonna Take it, No we ain't gonna take it, We're not gonna take it anymore!" I sing right along!  Or we can listen to Matthew West. Either one, but sometimes I just gotta scream it out...depending on the day, depending on the battle!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Does She Look like Me?

Growing up in a family that understood the definition of family was a beautiful thing. I remember standing before a judge at the age of 12 and telling him that I wanted Joan and Paul Grotelueschen to be my parents. I wanted to be adopted by my Mom & Dad. They were my parents and they had been for the last 12 years. The Grotelueschen kids were my brothers and sisters. That was real. I didn't even need a piece of paper to tell me that, but you know, paperwork is good!

I didn't look like anyone in my family and that was ok, I didn't even know what it was like to look like someone. I was clearly adopted and stood out like a sore thumb and that was just fine. We knew what family was. My sister was blond haired and blue eyed and my other sister was adopted from Hong Kong. We were sisters. My brothers were great looking white guys, strong and athletic, who loved their little sister. We weren't your traditional family, especially in the 60's and 70's, but we were family and still are!

I'm assuming you know which one is me. I was still (technically) a foster child at this point.

Mia-Mom-Kit San

Back to that little girl.... honestly, there was always something inside me that a wondered.... "Is there anyone out there that looks like me?" Well, one day when I was 16, I got the answer to that question when I sought out my biological family, located them and took a train and bus to the south side of Chicago to meet them. It was actually kind of weird. Here, before me, were people who shared my blood line, black people, like me. I felt a bit out of place. It was all so surreal that I didn't even stop to take a mental picture and ask do we look alike?

Well, that was years ago. And here I am, now in my 40's, posing a question which at the end of the day, doesn't matter, yet, I still feel like asking. A question which now doesn't define who I am, because I know who I am, where I belong and whose arms I am wrapped in. I know what family is, I know what unconditional love is. I know these things, but today, it's just kind of fun looking at my sister, Nita, who grew up so close, yet so far away from me, with a different family, in a different environment, and a different Mom, yet a Mom who gave birth to me too, who gave me life and sacrificed so that I could stand before a judge one day and say I want Mr. & Mrs. G to be my Mom & Dad. That's pretty awesome.

So, tell me....Do I look like my sister?

Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, yet, still miraculously my own. 
Never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart, but IN it.
-Author Unknown

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Weeping For Joy

"And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid. But many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers' houses, old men who had seen the first house, wept with a loud voice when they saw the foundation of this house being laid, though many shouted aloud for joy, so that the people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shout from the sound of the people's weeping, for the people shouted with a great shout, and the sound was heard far away." Ezra 3:11-13

I read this passage this morning and so many thoughts flooded my mind. What a beautiful picture of the body of Christ. The old men who had seen the glorious temple in all it's splendor in the days of King Solomon looked at the humble foundation of this days temple and wept because they knew what had been and at the same time rejoiced in what was to come..... the new had come.

Those who had not seen the temple of the past rejoiced at the rebuilding and the newness of it all brought such joy that they SHOUTED (and I mean really shouted) to the Lord... "And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord, 'For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever toward Israel.' ” Ezra 3: 11

I have had times where I saw what had been and wept and at the same time I saw what was to be and I rejoiced. After my sister died, leaving behind four amazingly beautiful daughters and the worlds best husband and father, he remarried. I remember sitting at the wedding and shedding tears for what could have been if my glorious sister were still alive....her girls someday getting married, graduating, my sister being a grandmother...but none of that was going to be. I shed tears because I knew what had been taken away, YET, at the same time, I rejoiced at what was to come.

Here standing before my eyes was a man with his four daughters committing to love another women, to take her as his wife and to embark on something new and because of that I rejoiced. Because of the Love of God in their lives, because God is sovereign, because I know that God is good, I could rest in joy and know that what was to come would be beautiful. Because of that, I have a new sister, whom I love because God first loved us.

You see, my weeping of what could have been was wrapped up in the joy of what was to come. My shouts of joy covered and held close the tears like a mother holding a weeping child to her chest.

Sometimes we weep, sometimes we mourn, sometimes we rejoice, sometimes all at once and sometimes in part. But, sometimes the joy comes in the mourning and sometimes joy really does not come until the morning.

So whether you are weeping right now for what could have been, know that joy will come. And if you are one that is standing in joy, may your joy encompass those around you, may you be a rock for them in their sadness and may your joy carry them through the mourning and into the light of a new day.

Shout for Joy all you people, Shout for Joy!! Salvation has come!!
"For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" 

Friday, August 1, 2014


By the grace of God my husband and I own (ok, lease) two new cars. One for him and one for me...... and by me, I mean, the three other adult drivers (my babies) in my house who eat my food, have jobs they need to get to (so that they can pay for college), have weekly servant events, go to mid week worship and love to socialize.

What does that mean for me, a stay at home mom who works from home? Well, it mean just that, I'M STUCK AT HOME WITH NO CAR. My new car that I love so much, I can't even remember the last time I filled it up with gas. I do however know that it is being filled every few days as evidenced by my bank records.

I'm stuck.... at home..... ALL THE TIME. I have to submit in advance and work around others schedules if I want to use a car or even take my son to the ER. It all requires strategic planning. Thankfully, my husband, Bob, has a Doctorate in Family Logistics. All requests and scheduling go through him. He's amazing, what can I say!!

Today, as I made breakfast for my son, who tends to also be confined to the house due to transportation issues, I prayed this as we sat down together... "Dear Lord help us today as we remain in this home, to be lights in all we do. Help us even in are stuck-ness to do your will and your work. May being stuck not stop us from being a light and bringing glory to your name. Amen"

After I prayed this, it dawned on me... actually it dawned on me as I was sitting on the pot-because it's the one place in my house where there are the least t.v, no computer, no phone.... (TMI), nevertheless, it struck me that there is so much I can do in my stuck-ness that I couldn't do if I were out and about. So much!!

So today, I re-dedicate my time bound in this house to love, to serve, to clean, prepare meals (we are having pot roast tonight), to plan, to pray and to give glory to God in all I do. May this offering be an act of worship, may I be a living sacrifice right where I am.

Now, to encourage you.....Wherever you are, even if you feel like you are that job, in that relationship, in the kitchen, wherever you are, remember that God is sovereign, He is in control, and He cares about where you are and what you are doing. May you fix your eyes on Him, the author and perfector of your faith and run a good race right where you are even if that means doing laps around the kitchen. Give glory to him in what you are being called to do today in preparation for what He may call you to do tomorrow.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 
1 Corinthians 10:31
Bloom where you are planted!


Saturday, July 12, 2014

My Fear of God

This mornings discussion with my husband combined with my time in the Word today left me pretty overwhelmed. I can't explain a God who commands His people to wipe out entire nations, man, women and child from the face of the earth and who then punishes those who do not follow His instructions to the very last detail. How to I tell people what a loving God I have when they bring this up.... a God who says there is no one good left on the earth except for you Noah, so I am going to destroy them all. How do I justify that?

Well, I think that's it. God doesn't need me to justify Him, but to know Him more, to seek Him more, to trust Him more. He IS just and righteous. That is who he is! He created the world and everything in it. The world is His, the moon and the stars are His also. He loves the world!

As I read in Psalm 7 today, I see God more clearly through Davids heart and cry. David said this.

"O Lord my God, in you do I take refuge; save me from all my pursuers and deliver me, lest like a lion they tear my soul apart, rending it in pieces, with none to deliver.

O Lord my God, if I have done this, if there is wrong in my hands, 
if I have repaid my friend with evil or plundered my enemy without cause, 
let the enemy pursue my soul and overtake it, and let him trample my life to the ground and lay my glory in the dust." vs 1-5

David understood and loved this God of Justice that he would call out to God to take his life if he were found guilty.

"Arise, O Lord, in your anger; lift yourself up against the fury of my enemies;
awake for me; you have appointed a judgment. Let the assembly of the peoples be gathered about you; over it return on high." vs  6-7

David understood that sin and evil angered God. Does it anger and grieve me the way it angers and grieves God?

"The Lord judges the peoples; judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness and according to the integrity that is in me.
Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end, and may you establish the righteous—you who test the minds and hearts, O righteous God! 

My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart.
God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels indignation every day." vs 8-11

God is a righteous judge. He weighs our lives and actions fairly according to our righteousness. Standing with Christ I am completely covered. God sees a covering of perfection when He looks at me and sees who I am with. Do I like David cry out for God to search my heart or would I rather stay hidden, those things which I know are unrighteous and filthy before the Lord? Integrity is important.

"If a man does not repent, God will whet his sword; he has bent and readied his bow; he has prepared for him his deadly weapons, making his arrows fiery shafts. Behold, the wicked man conceives evil and is pregnant with mischief and gives birth to lies. 

He makes a pit, digging it out, and falls into the hole that he has made. His mischief returns upon his own head, and on his own skull his violence descends." vs 12-16

Sin in no less serious now than it was in the times before Christ came and God wiped out evil through wars and the destruction of entire families, man women and child from the face of the earth. The only difference now is that Jesus bridges the gap. #Grace Is Essential Same God today and forever....completely just, completely fair, completely full of Grace & Mercy that He would send His son to be the remedy for our sinfulness and lack of righteousness. The sacrificial blood of Jesus is the righteous cover that we need to stand before a Holy God. 

Once I start to understand, even a small bit, of what real holiness is, I can then begin to grasp how I myself would crumble in the presence of His holiness, a Holy God, Perfection, righteousness, God... and then understanding my unending desperate need for a savior, Christ. Without Him I crumble, without Him I can't even dare to stand and open my eyes in the presence of my God who created all. 

So like David, this holy, just and righteous judge, who we stand before with fear and trembling, my God who made a way to bridge the gap so that I could stand before him with NO condemnation because I am in Christ Jesus....and because God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that ANYONE who believes in Him will NOT perish, but  have eternal life....Like David, it causes me to praise Him and thank Him. 

My words can't express the deepness and gratitude that I have for living this life for him and looking forward and upward to being called home and spending eternity in His presence. My God made a way for ALL... So I say, like David did.....

"I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness,
and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High." vs 17

This song and declaration is my heart today.

Friday, July 11, 2014

A day of learning and observing

Just one of those days where I felt like I learned a whole lot...some big, some little and some just a reminder of things I already know.

Observations From My Day

It's nice to call people friend. It's even nicer to be a friend.

Four hours sitting a talking with someone who you really care about getting to know better only seems like 5 minutes.

I can make a cup of coffee last three hours.

I love that God meets us where we are and doesn't rush us through our struggles, pains, hurts and hang ups. He is gentle and loving, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. I want to be like Jesus.

When I used to smoke, I actually believed that the world was my ashtray.
Today was payback as some smoker who has not yet had that realization that the world is NOT an ashtray threw a cigarette out the window and it landed on my car, bounced around and burned a spot on my car before it decide to burnout and blow off my car.

I learned that we see things differently when we are in different situations.

I learned that there are times when I hear God so clearly and times when I jump ten steps ahead of Him, but graciously He shows me an escape route and covers my butt...Sometimes though I just have to bite the bullet and deal with the consequences. Today, luckily,  I retreated quick enough and learned to be a better listener.

After learning a listening lesson, God gave me another opportunity to listen to His voice, this time, though, it sounded just like my husbands voice and I simply said "ok" and didn't try and figure it out myself. It was surprisingly easy and less stressful.

My kids are adults. I can give my opinion, they don't always listen and I kind of like that.

It was really hot today. How do I know? Once I got in my Phoenix, AZ car, it took less that 5 seconds for my metal dangley earrings to heat up and start burning the side of my face.

My kids are pretty awesome.

The display mannequin I bought for my merch table needs to wear a bra...just sayin'

My husband is a very patient, hardworking, loving and forgiving man and I think he's cute!

God's Word is life to me.

God loves me......and He loves my husband and my kids way more than I do and I would die for them.

God is amazing. His love is amazing.

It's really awesome to have family in the airline business.

Life is short and no days are guaranteed. Love God, Love others.

And if I ever put on my calendar REST and SLEEP, I can be sure that in the mail will come a jury summons for that exact day. #Storyofmylife

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Great Cover Up

I LOVE that no matter what state I am in, there is a Celebrate Recovery meeting I can go to..... a place where it is safe to share without having people try to fix me and give me the next best antidote or self help book for my struggles.

Currently I am in Colorado Springs, CO. There are times when I go to CR when the Lord really brings to light a stronghold in my life in a more powerful way than other times. Tonight was one of those nights.

Through a questions posed to meby someone sharing their testimony, to me thinking back on a time when I felt so betrayed and not wanting to let it go, to my current struggles with trust and anxiety, God revealed a place in my heart that is holding me back.

What I realized tonight was simple. I tend to use the excuse that I am an introvert (which is completely true) to cover up the fact that I try to isolate myself from large groups of people because of the anxiety and panic that it brings and therefore isolate myself from fellowship.

If you have ever seen me in public, you might be saying to yourself  "You don't seem to struggle in large groups of people, you go onstage in front of hundreds and thousands of people at a time, You're so talkative and social......The thought of large crowds gives you panic attacks? Social anxiety? You? Never!"

The reality is, "Yes, me." But, the greater reality is that my God is bigger than my fears, bigger than my struggles, bigger than my anxiety. I Celebrate recovery from so much yet I continue to struggle with trust and anxiety, but even though I struggle, I still celebrate victories in these area daily.

Like tonight, as I sat in a circle with a group of strangers in an open share group and shared about my week.....even though I got in the room a little early and rearranged the seats a bit so I wasn't so closed was a victory. The little steps of opening myself up to others regularly so that I don't isolate myself is crucial in my walk with the Lord and the people he sets before me and it is crucial in my relationship with Jesus Christ.

The other week, a women read my display banner at my merch table where is said "Mia Koehne..reflecting the painful beauty of human struggles....." After that she said to me "Mia, you are so pretty, what do you know about struggles?" to which I replied with a testimony and a sharing of my currents struggles. Too pretty? Ha!! Struggles, sin, pain and heartache do not care what we look like on the outside. Too pretty? let me tell you a story...

We all struggle, we all have pain....some of us admit it, some of us hide it and hide it well....some of us walk in the joy of the Lord, so they may be harder to see, but we all have it and we all need to surrender it at the foot of the cross.

This is why I love going to a place where it is safe, where people don't judge me and I learn to not judge others. I love Celebrate Recovery and what it has done in my life and the lives of so many that I have come to love!!

If you have a hurt, a habit or a hang-up, don't hide anymore, reach out. Maybe Celebrate Recovery is the place for you...check it out. There is probably one near you!

Here's that banner that I put on display when I do concerts and events.
"...reflecting the painful beauty of human struggles and a passion to worship a God who saves"

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lifestyle of Worship

I am Really looking forward to sharing at a youth worship workshop tomorrow.

The Topic: A Lifestyle of Worship...It is good for me to teach, because it's then that I learn and I am reminded. Through teaching I grow and I get to pour into the next generation of musical worship leaders.

So here is my session in a nutshell......

LIFESTYLE: a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes
WORSHIP: extravagant admiration; adoration....the act of showing respect and love...extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem...ascribing worth...

My days should be reflective of that which I admire and adore most extravagantly. Reflective of what I ascribe the most worth in my life and I am wholly devoted to...A daily lifestyle.

Danger comes with I ascribe worth to the wrong thing and adoration ( intense regard and love; fervent devotion.) becomes idolization (to love or admire someone-that is not worthy of such honor very much or too much.)

The only thing worth ascribing such a great adoration, admiration, devotion and extravagant love is God through his son Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

As we strive to live a daily life of worship, we are better able to lead others in worship.
Gonna be a good night!

Makes me want to sing the new song on my CD that was released today.
"Offering of Praise" by Holland Davis

Let me Life be an offering of praise//An offering of praise to you
To live my days by the power of your grace//The power of Your grace in me

All the days of my life//Giving praise day and night
With my hands lifted high//singing praise

With my heart filled with joy//and my voice shouting out
I'm forgiven and now//singing praise

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

She's Contagious!

Earlier today, I was in the back room reading the Bible and just being a still for a bit. Now, I am sitting at my computer, getting some work done. During both of these experiences I was listening to the sounds of my son and his friend. His friend is happy, very happy. She loves to laugh, she loves to giggle and she finds humor and joy in just about every situation.

Listening to her giggle, made me want to giggle, to smile to join in joy she felt. She has a contagious personality. I love being around people like that.

I want to be like that. Contagious!

And here is the reality....we are all contagious, but sometimes the contagions...

(Contagion: (Merriam-Webster)
a : rapid communication of an influence (as a doctrine or emotional state)
b : an influence that spreads rapidly)

.....we spread are complete seriousness, foul moods, negativity and lack of humor.

My prayer today is that I would  spread joy, reflective of what has been given to me.
Today I want to SHINE!...and tomorrow...and the day after that! SHINE!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Baby Girl

It was a good day. 
A day to watch my baby girl graduate 
High School and begin a new chapter in her life. 
My heart is full. Thank you Jesus for it all, every day, every breath. 
Thank you Lord.

Miriam's Graduation Brunch Celebration

Miriam's class photo

A little #selfie grad photo with the girls

 Graduation and Commencement
The end and a new beginning

 Officially A High School Graduate
Miriam Evangel Koehne-Class of 2014

 Two very happy parents

Miriam and her Daddy who has been her high school teacher and Principal 
for the last four years. What a blessing!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

It Sounds Like a Little Thing, but it's not.....

A hair cut.....My husband told me he is going to get a hair cut today......a hair cut that is, unless I wanted to do it myself. I said "No, honey have fun at the Barber shop."

You see, this is the first year in our 20 year marriage where we can comfortably afford a luxury like having my husband go to the Barber-shop whenever he needs to. A little thing, I know, but I thank God that He has always provided a roof over our head, food on our table and now, He has provided a little extra!

Some history....
This is what happened one day in 2007 when I told my son we can not afford to send you to the barber shop every week to keep your hair looking good, I'm happy to cut it for you, but otherwise you will have to pay for it yourself." Well, my high school son didn't really want his mom to cut his hair anymore and he didn't want to spend money, so he went on a boycott....this was the result...and that lasted until 2012

If people wonder why my son grew his hair out, it was because we didn't have money to cut it and Mom, the Barber, didn't carry the skills to do a sweet fade.

I am thankful for my husband who works diligently and tirelessly to provide for our family. I am thankful to God for providing work for him to do and the blessings and provisions that comes out of it. We may not have much, but we have way more than we will ever need.

A haircut may not seem like a big thing, but is!

What a fine hair cut he has....
Time to leave it to the professionals, by the grace and through the blessings of God. don't even want to know the last time I was at a hair Solon...10 years, maybe, and I think it was because I got a gift certificate LOL... relaxer in a box and a pair of scissors, maybe an occasional trip to Fantastic Sams....You can take the girl out of the cheap, but you can't take the cheap out of the girl!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Backroom Prayers~To Whom Shall We Go?

On Saturday, I read from John chapter six. Jesus was teaching that He was the Bread of life and that "...unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day"

At this, some of his disciples said "This is a hard saying, who can listen to it?" and some of them fell away. But Jesus said to the twelve "Do you want to go away as well?"

The response from Simon Peter reminds me of what my response should be in the face of this world, in hard situations, in matters of truth and bearing my cross daily, when I want to cower and go with the flow, when I want to quit, give up and not fight the good fight and when I feel like truth gets hammered at every corner in the media.  May I like Peter always say.....

"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God."

Remembering this truth spurs me on to continue to speak the truth in love, in love for friends, for a city, for a nation who so desperately need the words of eternal life.

Today, Monday as I re-read this passage, I was able to simply sit in my back room and sing it to the Lord. Declare it for my soul, strengthen my heart and renew my mind. Join me in my backroom. #BackroomPrayers

Going to worship this past Sunday and sharing communion with my church family was powerful. My pastor preached the word of God, reminded us all that the Word, His Bible is the source for all truth. My favorite moment was when our church handed out a new Bible to everyone in the congregation and our Pastor had everyone read silently to themselves John 17. The beauty of the silence in the presence of the spirit at that moment as the Words of eternal life went through all of our hearts, renewing our minds was, in a word, AMAZING. That was the the true Fellowship of believers.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pray #BringBackOurGirls

As I kept hearing and seeing news of the Abducted Nigerian school girls and the call to action, I caught myself thinking "But, what can I do?" It was easy to go through my day, listen to the news, watch  the different social media stories and simply scroll on past it without feeling a sense of responsibility at all.

I believe my lack of sense came from an overwhelming sense of helplessness and the reality that I can't really do anything to help them anyway. Then , like He always does, the Lord reminded me that He has equipped me with the most powerful weapon in the world. PRAYER. I can pray. And I call other to pray as well.

There is power in the name of Jesus. I believe this. I know this. I believe that there is no other than by which we are saved, eternally and temporarily.

I believe that that God hears the cries of His people and can save. I believe that as we cry out in the name of Jesus, he hears and responds. Pray.....Pray....Pray!!

"So Lord in Your mercy, Hear our prayer. Lord, Save those girls and all those who are in danger there in Nigeria. May their eyes be turned to you, Jesus the one and only. Comfort the mothers, comfort the fathers, comfort the families of all who are suffering. Bring healing to Nigeria. Heal their land in the name of Jesus. Amen and Amen!!"

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I have Two Elbows

I have two elbows and chances are that you do to. Let me tell you a little about my elbows......

Recently I was on a photo shoot with a friend and brother in Christ that I admire. No matter what, I can always count on him. For instance, I was suppose to meet with a photographer early one morning and because of certain circumstances he had to cancel 60 minutes after we were suppose to start. Well, I was showered, dressed, make up on and hair done. I was still good to go! Naturally, not wanting to waste a good hair day, I called my buddy, Randy, and he packed up his gear, scouted out areas with me and we shot at four locations.

At the last location he asked if I had any CD's to give to the people whose space and property we LITERALLY invaded (in fact we did that at all three sites, but that's how we roll) and I said "No, I don't have any, I normally have them, but....." As I continued to explain to him the reason He said "Mia, those are just excuses. Excuses are like elbows everybody's got two of 'em." That shut me up. He was right. I was unprepared. For all the times I pack my CD's just in case I have an opportunity to share them with someone, I failed. I was NOT prepared and what I needed to do was NOT make excuses.

But, now, every-time I walk out of the house I think a bit more quickly to myself about grabbing some spare CD's in case the lady at the grocery store tells me she likes music and I am able to just give her a CD. When people speak the truth to me, I may pout my lip for a moment, but my heart hears, receives and becomes all the wiser and more aware.

Some people thrive on affirmation, I thrive on loving reproof. I thrive on people pointing out my weaknesses so I can be better. Several years ago I was at a place in my life, music and ministry where I desired so deeply to have someone who would just tell me the truth and stop telling me everything I did was good. By the grace of God, He sent those people in my life...... people that recognized I needed help, guidance, direction, honest feedback and a swift kick in the butt.

Some of it came from my friend, Mark, who is a gifted songwriter. He saw that I needed stronger songs to sing. And so He allowed me to sing my heart through his music. He offered to work with me on songs I was writing to make them better. My ministry needed someone like him and I am so grateful.

Some of it came from my producer who worked with me on the last two Tree Hill Collective Recordings. OK, he may have made me cry, but that's mostly because He speaks so much truth, pushes me harder than I have ever been pushed, challenges me on the words and notes that I sing and does not let me slack. He tells me to deal and accept certain things and face others things head on. He does not let me cower.

I thrive on that. Last week as I was leading worship at a church. I could hear His voice in my head "Why are you singing that song" "What does that mean" "Who are you singing to" "You sound like you don't care" "Did you just belch in the microphone?" Having him speak truth in my life challenges me everyday to stay focused on why I do what I do and who I am doing it for. It keeps my eyes fixed on Jesus the author and perfector.

I am a better worship leader, piano player, singer, writer and leader because of what the people in my life have dared to do for me....speaking truth in love, the hard not so fun truth. I love it. I need it. Do I accept it easily all the time? No, sometimes I pout my lip, sometimes I walk out, sometimes I cry, (my husband, Bob, knows this best as He is my biggest truth-giver) but just about every time, I come back a whole lot stronger and a whole lot wiser than I was when I first started.

For that I thank these brothers in Christ. I could not walk this road without you!

So it leads me to this. If I appreciate truth so much and the fact that people dare to give it to me, am I loving people the same way by speaking truth to them? For me the answer lately has been yes, but it has been hard. And when it is difficult, I just remember how much I desire truth and desire to do the same for others as God leads me. #LoveGodLoveOthers

Who loves you in truth and who are you loving the same way?