After a wonderful start to the day it was off to Fresh and Easy to furnish the family with supplies while I was gone. I think they actually like it more (menu wise) when I am gone....Come to think of it, I kinda wish I was home just to eat the "Mom's out of town" Menu.
Then I hit the to Lake Havasu. My husband asked me how the drive up went. my reply was "It was great once I finally made it." I have never been to Lake Havasu and had no idea was a bustling town it was or how beautiful of a drive it would be. My journey on 95 north took a bit longer than it should have, simply because I kept stopping to take in the view. I guess that's one of those things you can do without complaint when travelling alone.
Living in the Valley, I don't get to drive by rivers and lakes flowing through the mountains. I can't even remember the last time I just dipped my toes in the water. On one of my touristy pull overs, I just stopped a pondered the majesty of our Lord. He is a breathtaking artist. What He formed from nothing blows me away. I wish I just sit by the side of the road and soak it in for hours (tomorrow, I just may). I wish those moments would last a lifetime. Oh, to walk in his tapestry, to be a part of his handiwork. We are a blessed people, knit together so fearfully and wonderfully. My God is a great God!
Once I finally made it and got all checked in at my hotel I was treated to an amazing evening with two amazing people. I love when you can just hang with people that you don't really know so well and within a minute you call them friends. It's great to be with people that you know are real and with whom you can be real with. I think....I know this is why they are so effective in ministry. This is why their Celebrate Recovery program is changing lives.If you ever find yourself in need of a Celebrate Recovery in Lake Havsu City, AZ look them up at Calvary Biabtist Church, Monday nights.
I cherish this day, the time spent with friends, the moments away to be with The Lord, the quiet and the stillness of it all....I treasure this all up in my heart.
So glad you sent this link to me! It looks great!! And is beautiful to read, too. Blessings!