As a children's choir director, I have the opportunity to hear the best and worst of children's voices. The kids that I direct tend to give me the best. Today was no exception, as I stood in front of the choir, I paused from directing to simply basking; basking in the words that they were singing and the message that they were preparing for the ears of those who would come to worship. Do they know how they move me? Do they know the power that is in the words that they sing? Do they know that it is more than a song?
When they had finished singing, I let the last note echo, resonate and just fill the room. Then I shared with them (although they may have thought it preaching by the random outburst of applause and "Amens" that followed my inspirational talk) how they never know who is listening to this song and the fact that someone might come to church that night wondering about God and how to hear Him, how to know that he is real. And then along come my little Ministers of the Gospel to sing these word, the words that ministered to my heart this day, in this little school, by these amazing young instruments of peace.
Are you listening to the voice of Jesus, Can you hear Him calling,
Calling to you, Calling today.
Are you listening to the voice of Jesus, Can you hear Him calling,
Calling to You today.
He speaks through the wind that blows from day to day.
He speaks through the sun that shines so bright.
He made all these things to let you know that he is the Truth and the Light.
He's Calling for You today.
by William E. Green
You should be very proud! I am, of you and the children; because you are a vessel sent to guide these young souls through song and ministry. I am pleased and honored that my children have such an opportunity to grow in the Lord. To God be the glory!