So here I am a day after our recording session and I am still aglow. What a rich feeling it is to come out of a session. The adrenaline, the excitement, the hard work all adds to the rush. It was an amazing night of recording-It was an amazing night of worship.
At times, I found myself lost in worship and forgetting where I was, but knowing that the people I was working with would simply follow where I was going and worship right along with me. Then there was the time when I began to think too much, it was at that time when my husband came in to the recording area and put his hand on my arm and gently whispered, "Honey, your thinking to much." That was all he had to say to instantly steer me back to the place where I wanted to be, in the presence of my Father worshiping Him.
Am I a perfectionist? I don't think so. Did I want the recording to be the best? Yes, but more than that I wanted it to be pure raw worship with all it's joy and with all it's blessed imperfections. What you see is what you get from me. I am not the best singer, I am not the best piano player, but, I love the Lord and I love to worship Him and lead others to do the same.
You may not be the best, but when you offer it up to in the Name of Jesus, He will use it and by His spirit it will not return empty. What do you have in your life to offer up to Him? If you answered nothing, go back and re-think. Ask a friend, who may see you differently, what quality or gift you have that can be offered up in the name of Jesus. He will use you. Offer it up!
Mia, God is using you and working, Man! I am listening to your Friday night session now and it moves His Spirit in me! Praise Jesus!